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Mary May Binney Wakefield Arboretum


Backyard Homesteading Workshop Series: Creating Backyard  Wildlife Habitat
Backyard Homesteading Workshop Series: Creating Backyard Wildlife Habitat
Mar.20.2010 -
Calendar Of Events & Programs


Our third session in our Backyard Homesteading series focuses on how to turn your backyard into a wildlife habitat, and transform your yard into an environmentally sound and sustainable greenspace. The session will cover the key elements needed to provide a “pollinator-friendly” habitat that attract birds, bees and butterflies. We’ll also discuss options like eliminating a portion of your lawn and utilizing aesthetically pleasing plants that double as food and cover for wildlife.

The Backyard Homesteading workshop series is for people who wish to turn their backyards into productive oases that can benefit nature and people. The series has included hands-on sessions on small scale fruit tree production and backyard chicken coops, and will continue in April and May with sessions on backyard beekeeping, and creating a compact backyard orchard. Space is limited; suggested donation $15. Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, call 617-333-0924.